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Saturday, December 01, 2012


"Oye chick check ker!", the cheeky chap chimed. "Oh joy! Aren't you a charmer", the disinterested compsci-er chided continuing coding
The lips & ah, what cheeks.Shoes suede and the corduroy, chic.Oh Lord don't make him speak.For in the end,he is a man,a freak.
Her fingers brushed his cheek softly. He knew he couldn't last long, but his wife was at the table, waiting. He gave her a rain check
I long to be there but when I am it reminds me that I don't belong.
There's this place I know where pink plastic happiness flashes on a screen.
what is that with showing off the cheeks? are they not afraid their pants might fall off?
filthy lucre smooths the way for many an obnoxious twit
being a complex social system, European cheek-kissing is best practiced carefully
I like big cheeks and I cannot lie.....
checklist: hair, check, perfume, check, mint, check, charm offensive ok. cheek to cheek, slow number, ensure hands do not slip down.
thanks ‏ Prompts for : cheek, check, charm. prev. anthologies here
Finally, as he pinned the cheek down, he gloated in his prowess to charm a tigress. 'Check mate', he hissed before grinding.
As I stood there lost in his smiling eyes I didn't notice his friend come up behind me until he pulled down my pants. School sucked!!
"Woah, slow down, lover boy. Keep your cheek in check, will ya? Bad boys don't charm me. Not anymore, at least."
There was no charm in the way he was treated.Although she claimed later that the slap on the cheek was to check his tolerance.
: you should check us out. currently , tomorrow , prev. anthologies here ...


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