#TS464 An event lit by moonlight. Beginnings of horrible memories for the plant. A caterpillar made circular paths in all the flower buds. -
"Remember", screamed the lunatic caterpillar,"When curled in a circle, you start where you end". That's how the bird found & ate him.
#TS464 -
#TS464 'go, sulk in memories by the moonlit lake & write poetry or erase me from your thoughts and be your selfish self,' she said -
Moonlight broke through the autumn leaves, the light & dark playing with her.The reverie was the same,just more perfect than reality.
#TS464 -
#TS464 'I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.' http://www.cs.indiana.edu/metastuff/wonder/ch5.html … -
#TS464 deep in a wormhole, light-less & space-less, hides the only memory of the beginning -
#TS464 the sound of boots / a moonlit night / endless screams / memories silenced repeatedly -
#TS464 looking for his leila / he traveled EWNS/ over plains & seas/ finally grey haired/ & tired he rested/ under the (same) peepul -
@temporal3@nadiya_aamer His memories were his present. The moonlight capturing a life, slowly, coming full circle.#TS464 -
there is a link to previous
#TS464 tweet. http://baithak.blogspot.ca/2012/07/circling-cirlce.html … -
@nadiya_aamer sustaining umbilical cord/ cut and replaced with starry dogmas/ journey from womb to grave/unending, circular journey#TS464 -
@nadiya_aamer#TS464 circular paths, caterpillar,moonlight, beginnings, memories.tagging@Shiringul for#TS465. -
#TS464 & all the nights magic seems to whisper & hush / & all the soft moonlight seems to shine in your blush http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xf5yt8_moondance_music#.UUXHvyJDXEU.twitter … -
#TS464 How can they not see, a walk of thousand tiny feet? Pitter patter, chitter chatter. Have they forgotten they all descended from ants? -
@nadiya_aamer Hawkmoths, moonlight, creepers, song, silence, root and branch - our comings and our goings, and everything in-between.#TS464 -
#TS464 circular paths hve no endings.what the caterpillar calls the end-the Master calls the beginning; don't bury memories. rejoice in pain -
#TS464 Somnambulating a closed-time-like-curve on the Mandelbrot set, nothing is as it were, nothing as it seems, and everything is the same -
#TS464 the child's 2nd joke was while we were stuck behind a slow driver - what are ya, a caterpillar? she yells - enlightened at 3 yrs old -
#TS464 circular paths, caterpillar,moonlight, beginnings, memories.@temporal3 PL Re-tweet 2 all. tashakur. -
#TS464 Let's do that dance tonight. Where we skip today and spin around the days gone by&where we crawl to the sugary promise of tomorrow.
posted by temporal at 3/18/2013
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