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Thursday, November 08, 2012


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The ship shook violently. "The nether regions are rumbling, mine & the ship's", the Captain said, & the Devil's Triangle ate them up.
zina's full quote was, 'murshid marwa na daina warna woh cuba bhaij dayga.'
columbus did not say 'mil gaya bhaee mil gaya,' upon the discovery of the passage.
Mr cummings, she is no Cambridge lady living in a furnished soul. She is Cuba in the midst of a hurricane: terrifying, breathtaking.
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"It's too loud, this wind," he mused as he observed static trees on a time-warp island.
Every declaration of his love was taken from a song. The early years she remembers as a playlist. And e e cummings.

The prompts for are quotation, sensation. Caribbean & I would like to tag the incomparable for


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