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Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Colette swung like a pair of frilly knickers on a suburban clothesline
I had a Colette in every arrondissment, but the one in the Treiziéme was my painful undoing. She was the rake to end all rakes.
henry fielding died a year after colette was born. it is safe to assume they never rendezvous at the left bank.
land of plenty / land of fun / to find out / i'm Nimrod's Son... Pixies - Nimrod's Son: via
thanks Prompts for :. roué, Colette, arrondissement. Tagging for . prev. antho
Then he was left ululating betwixt Swann's and Guarmantes Way, like a devil in a stoup of holy water.
the regularity with which BBC celebrities violated young actresses was ungentle and departmental
Fedora planted firmly upon his thinning mane, Gérard turned his steps toward the Deuxième, whistling "Thank God for Little Girls."
Their demons met in the second it took to see the ocean in her eyes. A city, a prison, a run-down quarter. Outsiders are not welcome.


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