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Friday, April 05, 2013


  1. divinity purity worth abundance reserved by men for men: Agassi,Pegasus, Degas names are mere excuses..
  2. A tenuous ballet:The on court Agassi in a Degas painting would be like Pegasus floating over the clouds.
  3. A Tennis Ballet: The on court Agassi in a Degas painting would be like Pegasus floating over the clouds.
  4. : dear amigas: have a meeting of gastronomic anon. rendezvous cancelled. watch tennis or history channel. xoxoxo
  5. Let's see.Agassi's posse is on their knees.Oh please.Feels to me like a work of Degas in Vegas.Pegasus & Poseidon, Alphas & Omegas
  6. hot GASp: 

    served by agGASsi 
    on peGASus' wings 
    GAStronomic delights sans lentils
    de GASsed deboned turkey 
    in veGAS 
  7. Falling in love is like when Djokovic beats Agassi 6-0, 6-0, 6-0 where the jock get the cup and Agassi gets all the love.
  8. Flying is a part of my routine. I also like rainbows & the pots of gold & the ice cream clouds. Good morning. I'm Steve the Stoned.
  9. I saw a young Andre With his racket and all Like flap his wings De gas the fire Be a fiery Pegasus And rule the world
  10. thanks prompts Pegasus, Agassi, Degas tagging for . pls. RT prev anthos here:
  11. From my world to yours, Galaxies abound. I sing you songs, and they resound. Tally ho, tally ho. My lifeboat is in ruins.
  12. O girls who believe in magic, o boys who wish for capes. Here is the newspaper, here are the bills. Ol Oz is down the drain.
  13. Swish and flick, fly and twitch. Giggle and gossip and mourn and bitch. You boy, me girl.


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