Un-Common Sense, Domestic violence: Remembering Aasiya Zubair, How To Make The News And Other Mistakes

Domestic violence: Remembering Aasiya Zubair
Staying friendly, wooing the young intelligentsia and using kamikaze vocabulary: Colin Marshall talks to Michael Silverblatt, host of Bookworm
How To Make The News And Other Mistakes
There Are Seven Big Bad Countries In The World -- Is America The Worst Of Them?
Only Indians killed, so no security breached?
Is ChatRoulette the Future of the Internet or Its Distant Past?
Zardari biggest threat to democracy, says Nawaz and Mehmal Sarfaraz: Wise words from a very wise man guilty of letting a charged procession attack the Supreme Court back in the 1990s.
Postcolonial fiction discussed
Un-Common Sense: And without any disrespect to the authority of the Supreme Court or the president, I would most humbly suggest to them that our country faces problems much graver and dangerous to our survival than the question of who sits in the Supreme Court. So gentlemen, please find a mutually acceptable and honourable way out.

More Un-Common Sense: Reassessing Liaquat Ali Khan’s role —Riaz Shahid
Liaquat Ali Khan was the one to bring for the first time religion into politics. His alliance with the mullahs produced the ‘Objectives Resolution’, which declared Pakistan to be an ‘Islamic state’. Common perception holds Zia or Bhutto responsible for mixing religion and politics, but it was Liaquat Ali Khan under whose leadership mullahs were given entry into politics and the right to decide the fate of the nation
Asif Ezdi on restoring the 1973 Constitution: To name only a few of them, it would mean that the electoral college for election of the president would consist of only the two houses of the federal parliament; that the president’s power to address a joint session of parliament would be repealed; that the Federal Shariat Court would be abolished; that the term of office of the senators would be reduced from six to four years; and that the “Islamic” qualifications for elected office introduced by Zia would be abolished.
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