The winner takes all in Afghanistan, Ten of the best unfinished literary works, Who has THE dream?

The winner takes all in Afghanistan
Ten of the best unfinished literary works
BOOK REVIEW : The need to engage 'terrorists'
The Music Instinct: How Music Works and Why We Can't Do Without It by Philip Ball
Charlie Wilson obituary
Parliamentarians Just Wanna Have Fun
Gazas Defiant Tunnellers Head Deeper Underground
Is A Modicum of Sanity Too Much Too Ask from Geo? What's next? Lashkar-e-Taiba's Hafiz Saeed giving his expert opinion on tourism opportunities in Mumbai? Jaish-e-Mohammad's Azhar Masood reviewing Air India's inflight entertainment? Dawood Ibrahim analysing trends on the Bombay Stock Exchange?
SC suspends presidential orders over judges' appointment
Smokers’ Corner: A herd of sheep?
A standing ovation for an innings of the ages
The establishment is worried but not divided
But nobody has a dream Babar! There can be no quarrel with the proposition that we need change – a change of policies and attitudes, and not façade. As a country where the average age is 23.5 years and 73 percent of the population is below 35, our attitudes, self-perception and fortunes can change pretty swiftly. Let us not be afraid to dream.
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