Osheen Fatima @izsuperhero
the way your heartbeats rhyme with thrill. It's your acid kisses. Fear
keeps me calling out your name. A death scene inevitable.#TS308
temporal @temporal3
@Shiringul: without fear, rhyme or reason / he bought a rare violin / that was the easiest part / practice did not make him perfect
Alex H Swift @lahorigori
#TS308 floating slowly / see right thru me / notes stand under me / tell what you can't see
#TS308 She muffled a scream. As he licked all the cream. Their Overeaters Anonymous cantata. Of spaghetti bolognese and Cassata.
Firuza Pastakia @firuzap
His music was dangerous. #TS308
Alex H Swift @lahorigori
#TS308 it is a symbol of insanity when a poet has to lie not to die for her voice
mOna Lisa @monazzilla
@FahadSiraj Someone gives the prompts, then tags another for the next day's. Search #TS307 today. Likewise, search for #TS308 tomorrow
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