mOna Lisa @monazzilla
@FahadSiraj Someone gives the prompts, then tags another for the next day's. Search #TS307 today. Likewise, search for #TS308 tomorrow
mOna Lisa @monazzilla
#TS307 That Charlie Chaplin video was in cherry condition. His senses weren't.
mOna Lisa @monazzilla
@FahadSiraj TS = twitter story. Every day we have 3 prompts and then we tweet a story out of them. Today is #TS307. Check it out :)
temporal @temporal3
@lahorigori: the teacher hit jimmy hard on the knuckles, who saw achromatic visions of cherries... black or red unclear #TS307
Awais Athar @awaisathar
soothed her nerves with a big glass bowl of fresh fruit sundae with a
cherry on top.He restored to firing a few rounds in the air.#TS307
temporal @temporal3
@lahorigori the sharia compliant, cherry popping taliban elder quizzed the doctor about the extra chromosome in the 21st pair. #TS307
gulnazsheikh @gulnazsheikh
tht moment of complete connection, synapse. yes we cd be the synaptic
couple, she thought. life all lit up w/color, cheekily cherry.
SGul @Shiringul
She recalled it as a vivid achromatic visual: A nerve had snapped and she drove in the knife! Viscous cherry drops of blood. #TS307
temporal @temporal3
thanks and appreciate stepping in:) @lahorigori #TS307 prompts: achromatic; synapses, cherry tagging @Shiringul for #TS308
SGul @Shiringul
Black cherry juice-all the time! Hopefully, it is a phase, sighed the toddlers mom. #TS307
Alex H Swift @lahorigori
taking over #TS307 prompts: achromatic; synapses, cherry tagging @Shiringul for #TS308 @temporal3 @RameezaNizami @firazup @sharmeenalikhan
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