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Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Pursing justice 4 the conquest of their waters,the enraged little fish protested in front of the white whale by holding their breath. #TS291

#TS291 COD was a much welcomed change in the politics of Pride&Prejudice. But the pursuit of throne turned lavender scent, fishy, too soon.

#TS291 Holding her hand, he delicately led her into his life; where dreams & love lived only in an aquarium. And onlookers were very welcome

#TS291 Like a cat devouring catfish, like an eel within an eel, with every pursuit, every conquest, small and purple he would feel.

Tiny purple fishes lie sliced on the table of some lab, sacrificed in pursuit of a cure and a medical conquest of a terminal illness. #TS291

in Holy pursuit, the Crusaders had one conquest after another till they faced a man who had painted Tiny Purple Fishes on his shield. #TS291

The judge, left a legacy that told of her pursuit of justice & conquest of the law with the case: California v. Tiny Purple Fishes. #TS291

#TS291 Like a rainbowfish in a bowl, she was beckoned to some rarefied space transformed by her glassy eyes into a vivid, elusive promise.
The hot pursuit of the hegemonic-ink-spewing squids, by tiny purple fishes, resulted in an odd but worthwhile conquest of the reefs. #TS291
There was a final flash of amethyst in the deep end as the moon chased away the Sun, taking its rightful place as Queen of the sky. #TS291


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