Inside story of DG FIA’s removal

Inside story of DG FIA’s removal Much to the chagrin of those lording over this nation, Khosa and his men were in the midst of some very high profile criminal investigations, involving some of the biggest names in the country and Khosa was persistently refusing to toe the ‘pragmatic’ line. According to one source, the prime minister also tried staving off immense pressure for Khosa’s removal for the last month and half, as he was close to arresting some of the big fish, but his replacement shows that the country’s CEO may not be so independent after all.
analysis: A meaningful amnesty —Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur
At present the Baloch naturally ask the question: an amnesty to what end? They say that they were in amnesty, i.e. not at war, before they started resisting the injustices and if they had opted to remain acquiescent to the injustices there would not have arisen a need to fight and consequently of an amnesty
Remembering a life lost Sitting here in the solitude of my room, on a cold night in Finland, I can't help but recall Uncle Shoaib, a wise, well-educated, aware and intelligent person with a great sense of humour. In fact, he was not an individual, he was very much a part of our lives. His death in the suicide blast in the Rawalpindi mosque has left a vacuum in our lives, like the death of a very close family member leaves. Such was his personality.
Muslims in Mindanao are poor, saddled with the burden of being a beleaguered and poor minority in an already poor country. Institutionalised discrimination, operating at the local government level, means that few will ever have the chance to raise themselves above their sorry lot
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