Imran offers to mediate between govt and Taliban, Talat Hussain, Dennis Meadows, American Pakistan Foundation, Ex NAB Chairman's Video interview

Imran offers to mediate between govt and Taliban - In his first news conference in Islamabad after recovering from last month’s surgery, Imran said that now that the US and Afghan President Hamid Karzai had asked for talks with Taliban, it was time for Pakistan to stop relying solely on the military solution. The PTI chairman explained he was making the mediation offer as the present security situation was unacceptable, and if allowed to continue, it would ruin Pakistan. “Our internal security, our economy, our federation, even our survival is under threat due to our involvement in someone else’s war. Therefore, it is time for us to wake up and resolve to save Pakistan,” he emphasised.
Pakistani Pakistan’s window of hope —Syed Talat Hussain: policy makers have a substantial window of opportunity to make wise choices — something they did not do when George W Bush and his neo-con cabal were sending forces into Afghanistan. Pervez Musharraf’s thoughtlessness landed the country in a heap of unintended problems. This nation cannot afford a repeat of a similar mistake now that Washington is seriously thinking about going home.
Interview with US Economist Dennis Meadows: 'Copenhagen Is About Doing As Little As Possible' With his 1972 book "The Limits to Growth," Dennis Meadows was one of the first to warn about the looming environmental crisis. The US economist spoke to SPIEGEL ONLINE about the need to drastically change our behavior and why he doesn't expect much from the global climate change summit in Copenhagen.
US-SOUTH ASIA AFFAIRS: Hillary Clinton to headline American Pakistan Foundation An update about the launch of the American Pakistan Foundation. The group's executive director is long-time SAJA friend Mahnaz Fancy. Post your comments below. From Edison.Lee[at] On Friday December 11th, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be the honored...
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