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Sunday, March 09, 2008

Only in the U.S.? Pity!

This can only happen in the great bastion of freedom and democracy under the helm of the Great (lame duck) President Cheney Bush. t

Dr. Al-Arian's Third Hunger Strike

By Chris Hedges,

The recent documentary, "USA vs Al-Arian," detailed the absurdity of the show trial held in Florida and the hollowness of the government's case against Al-Arian. When the film was awarded Best Nordic Documentary at the Nordic Panorama in Finland the jury wrote: "The film shows precisely how a common man becomes a victim of the situation in the contemporary world, where the Big Brother is watching you even when you're ordering pizza."

The Palestinian activist Dr. Sami Amin Al-Arian, imprisoned for five years despite a jury's failure to return a single guilty verdict against him, has gone on a hunger strike in Northern Neck Regional Jail in Warsaw, Va. Al-Arian, who has abstained from food and water since March 3rd, began his hunger strike after being informed he would be called before a third grand jury. He has lost 15 pounds and has been moved to the jail's medical unit.


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