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Sunday, March 09, 2008

Good Luck to Farooq Hassan

Here are some thoughts on impeachment if you are interested. There are firmer grounds to impeach Cheney and Bush. And there is more rule of law in the U.S.

The ground realities are different in Pakistan.

President Musharraf belongs to a hierarchy that is higher and more untouchable than being a SYED.

If the Civvies cannot bring a single general to Court Martial in the aftermath of Hamoodur Rehman Commission Report, they cannot hope to touch President Musharraf - who is one of them. Good luck to Farooq Hassan.


It was opined by me earlier that contrary to an idea that such a move required a two-thirds majority, it was clear that to move an impeachment it only required half of the membership of the entire parliament. I think that once the impeachment is moved, there may not be even a need to have vote for a formal conviction, which does requires a two-thirds majority since it is probable that the incumbent is never really able to ward off the initial thrust of an impeachment hearings and is likely to quit before that stage is reached. We have the example of President Nixon who resigned rather than face the impeachment.

It is the purpose of today's analysis to further examine the implications and consequences of such a process. In other words, what is the effect of the impeachment process?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard Dr.Farooq Hassan recentyky at hravrd Law Scchhol. he is simply brillaint. I wish his native country has the good sense to request his farsighted legal acumen for moving ahead. His courage is truly remarkable. I think Musharrf should be impeached for ensuring rule of law in Pakistan

March 12, 2008 12:06 PM  

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