NYT's Sunday Book Review: The Islam Issue

'The Suicide of Reason'
Arguing that the West’s “fanaticism of reason” is no match for the fanaticism of radical Islam.
Reading the Koran
The Book of all Muslims, Tariq Ramadan writes, can be understood on many levels.
'The Adventures of Amir Hamza'
The “Iliad” and “Odyssey” of medieval Persia is presented in a hefty new English translation.
'Arguing the Just War in Islam'
A professor of religion traces the thinking behind Islamic holy war.
'American Crescent'
From his mosque in Michigan, a cleric argues that Muslims can be integrated into national life.
'Jihad and Jew-Hatred'
A German scholar argues that Muslim anti-Semitism can be traced to a project of the Nazi Party.
'God’s Crucible: Islam and the Making of Europe, 570 to 1215'
David Levering Lewis’s history of Arab rule in Spain focuses on its ethic of mutuality.
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