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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

reflection - ak's

sach'chai kay hawalON say
shanakht kya hay humari?
rooh, muhabbat, haríf -- la-faani
jehíud, khalish, hum-tum --faani

yeah yeah yeah!
they all scream in unison
but where are the ears

hearing is suspended
stunned -- into temporary disbelief
till peace overwhelms
(which is) till time whithers

hearing stilled
abstaining from speculation
we turn statues
of (our) perceived gods
and query (our) fathers
for (our) dulling senses

fades the urge to query
to rebel -- not to resolve
to forget -- not to forgive

ìIt is here, I feel it,î he says
ìIt is here, I feel it,î she says

here is where
all aches and hurts
lie dormant
where senses
creak, croak and crawl
they can be camouflaged not
despite all the novel ways
known or invented
--religion, culture, subconscious
--family, persuasion
the search continues
till the end of another beginning
indefinitely, inconclusively

na aíyaaN, na neehaaN
aur anjaanay gunahouN ki padaash
yeh goonjh -- yeh maflooj-kunn goonjh
sehra o samand ko youN
ooRa lay janay wali goonjh
raaigaaN hay, bay aíser hay
laikin, joos tu joo jari hay


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