Poessay: Rosary 26 - Trancing segues
words - alluring - arresting
utterance - discomforting - disconcerting
ominous -- onerous
silence - sky - stars - splinter
pauses - phrases - awol
illusions - delusions - dichotomy
deceptions - dreams - discourse
words - encroaching - stifling
exacting - expecting
explosions - deafening - quiet - still
soundless - prelude - blizzard
storm - eye - peace -- death
death - rebirth - circle
walls - head - contact - stillness
Poessay: Rosary 1 - Pink Sand Beach
Poessay: Rosary 3 - Adam and Eve Limited - I
Poessay: Rosary 4 - Adam and Eve Limited - II
Poessay: Rosary 5 - Descending
Poessay: Rosary 6 - Dinner In The Park
Poessay: Rosary 7 - Under the Jamun Tree
Poessay: Rosary 8 - Voices in the Air
Poessay: Rosary 9 - Life Rosary I
Poessay: Rosary 10 - Life Rosary II
Poessay: Rosary 11 - Creating In Isolation
Poessay: Rosary 12 - Kohled Eyes
Poessay: Rosary 13 - By the Lake
Poessay: Rosary 14 - Snow Flakes
Poessay: Rosary 16 - Ageless Quest - tishnagi
Poessay: Rosary 17 - Hemashree
Poessay: Rosary 18 - Burning blazing fire rages
Poessay: Rosary 19 - Word Whirlpool - BhaNwaur LafzouN Ka
Poessay: Rosary 20 - Thanksgiving I
Poessay: Rosary 21 - KhamOshi - Wordless
Poessay: Rosary 22 - A Simple Poem
Poessay: Rosary 24 - Monologue
Poessay: Rosary 25 - Pink flamingos, yellow roses, dark clouds
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