- #TS714 the arm candy bimbos at the breakfast nor the trophy wives at dinner matched audrey's grace. so beat me @nishakhot
- thanks @nishakhot: #TS714 prompts: Breakfast; Tiffany; Arm candy Tagging @wardasaif for #TS715 prev #TS anthos here http://baithak.blogspot.ca/
- The tiffany trimming on her dress matched the arm candy who escorted her to the breakfast. #TS714 @temporal3
- @temporal3 @lahorigori @Ell_Enn @sharmeenalikhan @Shiringul #TS714 prompts: Breakfast; Tiffany; Arm candy Tagging @wardasaif for #TS715
- #TS714 “Didn’t I tell you that this was a wonderful piece of arm candy?" pic.twitter.com/WqQwc1pBck
posted by temporal at 11/30/2013