O.K. Waheed
Went to the Eid premiere of 'The Men who Stare at Ansar Abbassi'
starring the CJ & his crew. Couldn't hack it. Jumped out the window.
#TS312 Pan's pipe expelled maddening streams of caprinaic melody until the nymph collapsed with exhaustion
#TS312 the goat, much like the humble Pak viewer, is a useful animal as it eats any crap thrown at it.
with delirious bleating from one side & droppings on the other, had
to think fast to save us from the poltergeist. chuck the plasma!
and we have our own. #TS312. Twitter fiction: your 140 character stories
your-stories? http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/booksblog/2012/oct/15/twitter-fiction-your-stories?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+theguardian%2Fbooks%2Frss+%28Books%29&utm_content=Google+Reader …
Op-ed: Plays about and goats are reason for
immorality on our channels. All Pakistanis should throw their TV out
unless I am on it. #TS312
Breaking news: Felix jump was actually out of the
window if a drone. It was to try new drone technology before Eid. #TS312
He's a professional journalist. Well, as
professional as the man who butchered our goats last year. He's a
professional mochi. #TS312
in the nightmare ansar abbasi jumped out of the
window when he felt his father was going to sacrifice him, like it said
in the Book #TS312
Prompts for #TS312 from @shakirhusain: defenestrate, goats, Ansar Abbasi. Pls RT.
posted by temporal at 10/16/2012
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