The Hidden Divide, Ground Zero Mosque, Stealing Jerusalem, THE ROVING EYE : Dancing the revolution away

When will it be our time? (Mustafa Barghouthi, International Herald Tribune) I have lived my entire adult life under occupation, with Israelis holding ultimate control over my movement and daily life. When young Israeli police officers force me to sit on the cold ground and soldiers beat me during a peaceful protest, I smolder. No human being should be compelled to sit on the ground while exercising rights taken for granted throughout the West.
Finding Allah at Ground Zero: A New Manhattan Mosque Hopes to Heal Ground Zero is just down the road, a global symbol of Islamist violence. But in a half-destroyed building in Lower Manhattan, a new Muslim place of worship has opened. The founders hope it can help heal the wound opened by Sept. 11 -- around the corner from where the attacks took place.
Silently stealing Jerusalem (Joharah Baker, MIFTAH) The number is staggering, to say the least. A total of 4,577 Palestinian residents of Jerusalem were stripped of their residency rights in 2008 alone, 35 percent of all east Jerusalemites who lost their residency rights since 1967 and more than any average year since Israel's occupation of the eastern sector of the city almost 42 years ago.
Rep. Alan Grayson Reads Rethink Afghanistan War Petition on House Floor On Tuesday morning, your voice was heard in the United States House of Representatives. Over 100,000 people signed the petition from Brave New Foundation, Credo Mobile and True Majority calling on Congress to vote against any bill to fund troop escalation in Afghanistan. Yesterday, Congressman Alan Grayson read the petition aloud from the House floor, asking [...]
THE ROVING EYE : Dancing the revolution away The ballet Red Detachment of Women, popular with Mao Zedong during the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s, is now playing again in Beijing, complete with capitalist roaders, psychedelic cartoon sets and girls with guns. Given the way China's economy has progressed - and where it is heading - the dancing girls should be prancing around in Pradas, Guccis and Jimmy Choos, sipping champagne and juxtaposed against steel and glass sets. - Pepe Escobar
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