Kamran Shafi, Jawed Naqvi, The well informed PM,

Kamran Shafi: Just the other day I met some old comrades from the army and three out of the four of us agreed that it very much seemed to be an inside job, if only for the reason that at least three army barriers had to be breached by the attackers to get to the secure Parade Lane. Unless of course, they came from units near the site of the attack. It is important that we get answers to the questions because, then, certain other questions will present themselves, e.g., is an eye being kept on what is being said by the unit maulvi in khutbas (sermons) in unit mosques?
Jawed Naqvi: His essays, like Murrow’s meticulous precision that he celebrates, are the work of long probing journeys into the heartland of India, and sometimes beyond, and not an armchair journalists’ fancy verbiage. Amit Sengupta is qualified to be the chief squatter among the comity of journalists of integrity. He is too outspoken, I suspect, to be invited to a TV discussion on politics or terrorism. Nor does he display any keen interest in an India-Pakistan peace mission, which journalists are so often involved with, though he wishes them well. It hardly matters whether he is married or not, or pays his rent on time. He symbolises the squatters many of us are happy to be.
Prime Minister Gilani also appears to be poorly informed about the situation in Orakzai, the only tribal agency that doesn't have a border with Afghanistan. He is unaware that a limited military action in already underway in Orakzai and it involves air raids by jet-fighters and gunship helicopters against suspected militants' hideouts and the use of ground forces in the Ferozkhel area on the boundary of Khyber and Orakzai agencies. Bombardment of the TTP positions in Orakzai Agency had taken place even before the military action in South Waziristan and on at least one occasion a US drone fired missiles at a target in the area after flying unchallenged deep into Pakistani territory far away from the Pak-Afghan border.
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