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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Karzai and Warlords Mount Massive Vote Fraud, When Toilets Were as Scarce as Hen's Teeth. AIDS, Israel to Africa

Afghanistan's presidential election has long been viewed by U.S. officials as a key to conferring legitimacy on the Afghan government, but Afghan President Hamid Karzai and his powerful warlord allies have planned to commit large-scale electoral fraud that could have the opposite effect. AFGHANISTAN: Karzai and Warlords Mount Massive Vote Fraud Scheme

Dr. Bindeshwar Patak, the 2009 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate and founder of a grassroots sanitation movement in India, recounts the days before his country's independence in 1947 when toilets were a rare sight in remote villages and towns under British rule.
INDIA: When Toilets Were as Scarce as Hen's Teeth - Thalif Deen

Dr Saleem Azam cannot get MN and FM off his mind. These two died recently in two of Karachi’s government-run hospitals, unable to get timely medical treatment and denied the compassionate attention that they desperately needed. HEALTH-PAKISTAN: Stigma, Apathy Continue as the World Fights AIDS By Zofeen T. Ebrahim

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been busy pursuing one aspect of the Obama Administration's agenda - carrying to Africa the U.S. message of accountability. With a rather different agenda, Israel's foreign minister Avigdor Liberman also has Africa in his sights. MIDEAST: Israel Turns Dubiously to Africa By Jerrold Kessel and Pierre Klochendler


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