unending delusions / faraib e moo'salsal

unending delusions
lost count of setbacks, truth
--elusory, illusory
phoenician paradise
promises of those houris
mirages of amber hell
those familiar faces
from the diffusion of past
with whom we shared visions
and this enigmatic world
where religion's bogeyman
strangle thoughts and spirits
lost count...........

faraib e mooĆsalsal
un-ginn't faraib kha'aye
ik goom gushtaa such
ki joos'tu'joo maiN
faraib e jannat
waa'da hoorON kaa
jo naa houN shaaĆyad
toojh say haseeN ter
saraab e do'zakh aur
sadiyouN say woh
ma'noos chehray
saath jin kay hum nay
lafzON kay maa'ni
youN daryaft ki'aye
aur yeh duniya
peer e tasmaa paa
mazhab kay jahaaN
sawaar rehtay haiN
gurden o afkaar pay
janay kitnay .......
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