delusional insanity*: montreal september 13, 2006

kuch to kaho
kuch to kaho kay log kehtay haiN
yeh ho kya raha hay duniya maiN
the first umbilical cord is cut at birth
parents gush, fawn and coddle
then at some point interests diverge
there is another cord, not visible
of communication, love and bonding
when rusted, things start going wrong
was kimveer** a neglected child?
a spurned lover? undiagnosed?
storms must have raged, undetected
what made him let go?
why do innocent get caught?
fate or destiny?
so what do i do as i drink my coffee
write this and push the queries away
how can his parents, the victims parents
ever make sense? are they doomed
to live on for ever in torment?
why are so many queries
brewing in my morning coffee?
* Kimveer Gill the Montreal shooter
** Kimveer Gill's web site
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