#TS753 prompts by @wolfmiaow: tehzeeb, tezaab, tarbooza

I wish you could feel this feel. The improper recklessness that overpowers all, and the need to taste it all over again. And again. #TS753

the psychopath painted a pumpkin over a watermelon, injected acid into it & left if by the wayside. no manners
@wolfmiaow @Deccadent

Prompts for #TS753:
tehzeeb, tezaab, tarbooza
tagging @TaimoorMalik for #TS754
prev #TS here:

#TS753 A drink the colour of blood, served with a bewitching smile... I'm not continuing this; the next few words scare me. Happy Halloween.

@thenineserpents @temporal3 @DanielleArie @lahorigori @firuzap Prompts for #TS753: tehzeeb, tezaab, tarbooza
@TaimoorMalik for #TS754