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Sunday, October 18, 2015

blame game: it is not my fault

repeated the cab driver
as he swooshed and swirled
through the desi traffic
with cars and carts
and men and machines
in various states of decay
rushing, idling, squeezing
with a foot on the pedal
and a hand on the horn
'it is not my fault'
fault? blame? confession? 
adam would have smiled
quakes, tsunamis,
holocausts, ethnic cleansing
(all holocausts, not just that one)
and greed that blinds
individuals and nations
precariously countered
by grit, will and concern
for adam's progeny
by eve's children
who descend to salvage
flustered dignity
conflicts borne of nature
fermented on earth
whirling between
the many dazed and
the unconfused few
hirsute adam
would have revealed
mona's first smile
(leonardo tells me)
a metonymy for


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