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Thursday, August 01, 2013


  1. by Wallace Stevens "One must have a mind of winter ... And have been cold a long time"
  2. if possibility is a blurred, electric line in any relationship; intriguing possibility is a delicious surge
  3. : post partum depression is it fleeing or fleeting does it last 60+ or 1500 + years?
  4. : in the winter of their lives squirrels & seniors both become dormant and not by choice
  5. He awoke from a sleep that lasted centuries. The wound had healed but memory remained. Funny, he was normally an early riser.
  6. His roza's are sleep laden. Poor thing! Has to settle for post-iftar gaudy meet-ups to act out his true colours.
  7. I sit, I scribble / I scrawl, I twiddle / and sometimes, just sometimes / a comes out


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