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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Bill Maher and Ashley Banefield on former NY Governor Spitzer

Here are two views on the NY Governor who resigned earlier today

Spitzer's Trysts: Bill Maher

I'm going to throw the remote through the TV if one more news twink says something on the order of "When we come back, we'll look into what drives a successful man like Eliot Spitzer to risk it all..."

Oh yes, let's convene a panel of experts for that. Let me help you: because he wants to get his nut off! Stop with all the analysis! It never ends, I hear all these people talking about how powerful people think they can get away with anything, so it's a thrill, or that it's for this psychological reason or this one -- please, he wanted to CUM WITH SOMEONE! Stop overthinking this: people need sex, and married people generally aren't getting it. Studies show (OK, I'm making that up, but it's true nonetheless) that people married 20 years only have sex on Valentine's Day, their anniversary, and their birthdays. You can hate me as the messenger, but it's true -- how can anyone be expected to still want to score with someone you've been having sex with for a score? Mr. Spitzer simply wanted what humans desire, to feel that sensational sensation when you're hot for someone, to touch and hug and bump and grind -- this is really not that complicated! If you're ascribing more to it than that, it's probably really more about your own fear that your spouse wants to do the same thing.

It's Not The Sex, Stupid - Ashleigh Banefield

This is not a debate about prostitution, or even pimping. It's a debate about two-faced men like Spitzer, Mark Foley, Bill Clinton, Larry Craig, Jim McGreevy, Gary Hart, Jim Bakker, and the Reverend Ted Haggard not practicing what they preach.

Why is this so tough to process? It seems fairly simple. It's wrong to say one thing, bust people for it, and then do another. It's wrong to fight for the protection of kids, and then act as a sexual predator. It's wrong to lead the nation, and then lie, even about sex. It's wrong to condemn gay people for their lifestyle and then get caught allegedly engaging in the same behavior that is part of that lifestyle you condemn. It's wrong to preach about family values, while getting down and dirty with hookers. And it's wrong to dope up on methamphetamine while rubbing up next to a male prostitute, especially if you're preaching against that.


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