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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

More Fissures To Come in PPP and PPPP

Today, Makhdoom Amin Fahim, a man of well chosen words said, “My heart is full of secrets, which, if I reveal to media they could bring storm in the national politics.”

I have written on this subject earlier. This is the third blog on the subject of fissures in the PPP. The interim Co Chairperson of the PPP as per written will is thrust in the limelight. To be fair he needs time to establish his control over the party.

The eminent giant stalwarts that surround Asif Zardari since Benazir's assassination were pygmies in front of her. They dare not speak unless asked. If she said jump they would ask how high.

In the days following the assassination on three occasions Asif Zardari publicly declared his lack of interest in becoming the Prime Minister and indicated Makhdoom Amin Fahim as PPP's choice for the post. What gave?

Intrigues. Royal intrigues. Makhdoom Amin Fahim was loyal to his leader. The poor fellow is being sent to the cleaners. Greed is worn on the sleeves by the party stalwarts. They see "Ministries" in their dreams. Not one faithful has come to Fahim's rescue. Read on.

On March 01, 2008 in First Fissure in PPP I wrote:

This appears to be the first public fissure in PPP. Until yesterday Makhdoom Amin Fahim was a shoo in for the PM's slot. He met with some unnamed persons of influence without informing Asif Zardfari apriori. So apparently Zardari dropped him from contention according to news reports.

How do we view this?

Makhdoom was the first choice in all deliberations of the CEC. What gave? Who are his enemies in the coterie around Zardari who do not want him? They must have used their influence to ease him out and replace with a candidate from Punjab.

While this would become public knowledge soon, we will mark this as the first public fissure in PPP and as an attempt by interim co chairman Zardari to publicly assert his control.

Then on March 08, 2008 in Hum Daikh LaiNgay - Makhdoom Amin Fahim I wrote:

He is a loyalist who refused to become PM when Musharraf offered it on a platter. He was the person who handled the party in the country while Bhutto was in self exile and the present interim co-chairman of the hand written will was partying in NYC.

* * * *

In THIS from the Nation today Navid Butt adds:

The rift between the PPP Vice-Chairman Makhdoom Amin Fahim and party Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari Tuesday seemed to be widening after a party delegation failed to escort Makhdoom to Zardari House.

According to well-placed sources, Makhdoom declined to call on Zardari for a sort of rapprochement saying, “I do not want any more ‘flowers’ from Zardari House in the shape of bitter statements on me of Sherry Rehamn and Khawaja Asif.”

The sources described Makhdoom’s tone so resentful that he used the word ‘flowers being thrown” on him from the Zardari House, the pivot of power these days. Besides, the sources further elaborated that by describing ‘petals showering’ from Zardari House, Makhdoom definitely meant that Khawaja Asif’s statement also originated from Zardari House.
“It is enough for my loyalties with the party spread over the four decades,” the sources quoted Makhdoom again talking in a sarcastic tone. PPP senior leaders tried to bring Makhdoom round and requested him to accompany them to Zardari House, they said. But, Makhdoom outrightly rejected their proposal and said that he could not go there, the sources said.

The sources said, Makhdoom made it clear that he held all the meetings with General (Retd) Pervez Musharraf in the past under the directions of late Chairperson Benazir Bhutto.
“Some people had been released from jails due to my meetings with Pervez Musharraf. After 2002 elections, some other people too had held meetings themselves with Musharraf. Today they are pointing fingers at me. I did not draw personal benefit from these meetings,” the sources quoted Makhdoom as responding to the request of the delegation comprising senior party members mostly from Sindh.

Makhddom, according to the sources, says that he would not split the party but some people are vying for such an untoward occurrence. He believes that they are people no other than those giving statements about him.

“My heart is full of secrets, which, if I reveal to media they could bring storm in the national politics,” Makhdoom warned.


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