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Thursday, February 07, 2008

Archbishop of Canterbury calls for Sharia law in the UK

here in ontario sharia law implementation was overturned last year. but apparently in UK it has the backing of the archbishop- t

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, in Canterbury Cathedral where he issued a green plea in his Christmas sermon today

(Cathal McNaughton)

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, in Canterbury Cathedral where he issued a green plea in his Christmas sermon today (Cathal McNaughton/PA)

The Archbishop of Canterbury has called for the UK to adopt Sharia for Muslims.

Dr Rowan Williams suggested today that it “seems unavoidable” that elements of Islamic law be accepted into the British legal system.

The head of the Church of England believes that officially sanctioning Sharia will improve community relations and aid integration. He conceded that his view would be controversial but said that similar concessions to other religions were already allowed in Britain.

“But there are ways of looking at marital disputes, for example, which provide an alternative to the divorce courts as we understand them.”

Dr Williams pointed out that some Orthodox Jewish courts already operated in Britain, and that anti-abortion views of Catholics and other Christians were “accommodated within the law”.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was listening to a discussion about this issue on the BBC World Service when someone said that there were Jewish courts in the UK so why should there not be Sharia courts. I did not even know there were Jewish courts, with legal authority in Britain. Why on earth do Jewish people have a separate court system, how did that come about?! I thought, being British, I lived in a secular country but apparently not! Just another reason, in my opinion, to abolish the House of Lords and give the British people the power! Jewish courts, what next, Mormon courts, Scientologist courts...?!?

February 07, 2008 2:26 PM  

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