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Thursday, February 07, 2008

Afghan Official: Journalism Student will Not be Executed - Kim Sengupta

even the occupant whose edict runs just around his presidential palace has hinted that the student would be released - t

The condemned student journalist Sayed Pervez Kambaksh will not face execution, a senior government official in Afghanistan indicated yesterday.

A ministerial aide, Najib Manalai, insisted: "I am not worried for his life. I'm sure Afghanistan's justice system will find the best way to avoid this sentence."

It was the clearest indication yet that the 23-year-old will have his death penalty revoked amid mounting international pressure on the Afghan authorities.

Mr. Kambaksh was condemned to die by an Islamic court for insulting Islam. He was found guilty under Sharia law after he distributed articles from the internet on women's rights at Balkh university in northern Afghanistan, an act he claims was aimed at provoking debate. His family says he was not allowed a defense lawyer and the trial was in secret. [ for more click on the heading]


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