dream sculpture
dream sculpture

i froze my dreams solid
as whims and doubts
then chiseled from the top
a face with high cheekbones
smiling eyes, framed by
yaar-wrinkles, full lips
to break into a smile
at slight flutter
slicing, i move to the base
cutting a pedestal with motifs
as the dream sculpture
is unveiled later that evening
amidst exultations and praises
i summon modest smiles
long after the reception is over
my dreams begin to deliquesce
i erase a tear or two
and leave to gather more dreams

i froze my dreams solid
as whims and doubts
then chiseled from the top
a face with high cheekbones
smiling eyes, framed by
yaar-wrinkles, full lips
to break into a smile
at slight flutter
slicing, i move to the base
cutting a pedestal with motifs
as the dream sculpture
is unveiled later that evening
amidst exultations and praises
i summon modest smiles
long after the reception is over
my dreams begin to deliquesce
i erase a tear or two
and leave to gather more dreams

Couldn't help remembering Ghalib:
hain Ghaib-e Ghaib jis ko samajhte hain ham shuhuud
hain khvaab mein hanuuz jo jaage hain khvaab mein
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