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Wednesday, October 05, 2005


My reply to miriam #217 post from here


i begin in the name of Allah the Most Beneficent and Merciful( thank God!) and quoting my friend dost-mittar:(#216 by dost-mittar on June 19, 2005 9:47am PT
I apologise to the author of this article and others for causing the debate to move to a topic which has nothing to do with Mukhtaran Mai`s case.

so amma-baad!

larki! don`t start me on the religious sensibilities of forefathers...whose forefathers anyway?...mine are deader than i...hmmmm....does it mean i am already dead? since i do not think or feel dead....yet........well that would be another digression for another time:) the good old days...speaketh the old curmudgeon (#210)....don`t you be swayed by his rustic arguments....swayed did i say?...gee whiz i surprise myself this sunday morning...while sammi and other are doing the nyt supplements and pasting them for the imbecilic ignoramuses am pontificating on swaying which will bring me to swing....yeah, as in no, not that swinging....( that my dear laRki would be the subject of yet another digression) back to swinging...the kind i had in my mind in conjunction with my/our forefathers...yeah...the me tarzan-u-jane or me allarakha-u-rampyari variety...but... i wonder...( i should not wonder so much...advised the well educated quack while prescribing more medicines to remove the ill effect of others that were prescribed to overcome the earlier ones which failed to deliver...speak of human body`s resistance that is another digression: the human your wise words in, what you're saying is that we should convert back to the religion of our forefathers.

hmmm...there's a thought... fine, commission our resident poet laureate (temp) to draw up a charter; 10 bulleted points no more...verbosity is old-hat. you lead the way, and i`ll send out the invitations. where on earth is temp when you need him!? heard that amrita about verbocity? no sure i can over ride in ten-bullet capsules centuries of mismanagement and obfuscations and diversions and blood and venom spilled and exhausted...but my mother always said you`re bright remembering mother on father`s day would be another do not waiver away from the topic at hand sufficiently do i? from mother to mai attend that nyc and dc protest meet...khair..back to ten-bullet prescription...surprise surprise... you are new here...let me introduce and offer the nyc franchise for the best little hidden secret this side of oil-free pakoras that mahajirzadeh concocted or was it the zippered shalwar for men? saving grace will be the new i have hinted the local franchises is available in most major territories...there is a oft repeated thing i use to say here...this is in a sense a prelude...pehlay insaan phir musalmaan: pehlay khuda phir rasool: pehlay taaleem phir tafheem...prelude? no more like an ultimate sequel...

khair here is the deal for the new sect...sorry only eight bullets!

* core mantra be good
* books-No
* prophet-No
* dogma-No
* rituals-No
* what are the associate called> daGooders
* how can they practice good without Book, Prophet, Rituals, Dogma? Just by following their conscience
* any conversion required? No


pehlay insaan phir shayad...
dost-mittar #130:

I think that there is a difference in your and my 'manzil'. If I understand your post correctly - and I may not - you seem to consider insaaniyat as a pit-stop on way to becoming a Muslim. For me, the manzil will arrive when I seize being a Sikh or a Hindu and become an Insaan.

maybe yes, maybe not:)

you refer to my oft repeated mantra pehlay insaan, phir musalmaan: pehlay Khuda, phir Rasool: pehlay ta`aleem phir tafheem

some points to consider first:

* make your own appropriate substitutions for musalmaan, Khuda, Rasool from your faith or practice...i use this because i was born into this faith but it should not be confined to islam only!
* organised religion has been hijacked by vested interests. (am talking of major religions not minor off-shoots which maybe mostly peaceful)
* these vested interests have inculcated an air of extreme intolerance
* it is this ingrained and inbred intolerance that is causing most of the mayhem and destruction in our world

imho the way to fight this is to return to the `cave` and re-emerge again;)...hence emphasis on pehlay... aur phir...


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