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Sunday, August 28, 2005

irshaad haqqani

From an Aug 20th column by irshad ahmed haqqani. Lamenting over the 8-10 million unwed, of age, women in pakistan, who cannot get married because their parents are too poor to afford them a 'suitable' dowry or reception he reproduced two letter written by four unmarried sisters. The first of the two letters is written by the fours sisters from sargodha in their blood. Will provide an approxiamte translation here.


Dear Babajaani Irshad Ahmed Haqqani Saheb:


Babajaani, we are four sisters and have no brother. Father died eight years ago. Our mother made tremendous sacrifices and worked very hard to provide for us sisters. As a result of that excessively hard work today she is afflicted with various diseases and is on her death bed.

Today, we sisters teach Qur'an and offer tuition to kids in our neighbourhood to barely earn sustenance.

If we leave our house for any reason, we continuously encounter hoodlums ready to play with our honour.

Babajani we have written this letter in our blood, please publish this in your column. Is their a Saviour who would get us married so we can live and our mother can die in honour?

Babajaani if you do not help us (by printing this) then these cruel street urchins would violate and rob us of our dignity and honour. And for justice we would have no recourse but the day of judgement.


Your daughters (four names)

(mr. haqqani added a foot-note in a subsequent column requesting gentle folks not to contact him any further with offers of help. He had been innundated with offers and from amongst those he felt there was enough to help these girls)


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