#TS851 prompts: book, cook, took

Say Pickled Hawthorn @misdivided
The book gave a detailed potion description. She took her cat's whiskers and let them cook to the exact second. #TS851

SM @SanaMullick
He couldn't read like the rest,
but cooked like the best,
grabbing life by the horns,
he aced every test. #TS851

M. Nabeel P. @ATattereDickens
His wife was cold, very cold. The fire needed wood. There was a blizzard outside. He started putting his beloved books in the fire. #TS851
in reply to temporal

farid alvie @faridalvie
"I took your cook book. Sorry," she said to @temporal3 #TS851

Kiran @joanmeesem
It took him just seconds to cook up the story to malign her fame
Though the dark paras in the book of her life was all his mischief

temporal @temporal3
the accountant cooked her books as the heiress fell for his looks.
ps: NAB harassed her

M. Nabeel P. @ATattereDickens
A cookbook was presented on the Last Day which had 98 million pages and took 100 thousand people to write. #TS851

Omer @omerwahaj
Look, a crook posted on Facebook that he took the cook’s checkbook and pocketbook under the overlook and over the brook.

Mohammad Taqi @mazdaki
وہ عجب گھڑی تھی کہ جس گھڑی، لیا درسِ نسخۂ پخت و پز
کہ کتابِ Cook کہ طاق پر جو دھری تھی سو وه دھری رہی
پخت و پز = cooking

temporal @temporal3
pls. add #TS851
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temporal @temporal3
book, cook, took
RT to the usual suspects please
posted by temporal at 2/20/2017
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