#TS850 prompts: mate, gate, relate

SM @SanaMullick
The gates of heaven closed on her, just when she was going to cross over. The last sin caught up with her. #TS850

M. Nabeel P. @ATattereDickens
They were mates for life; when they talked they didn't have any gated thoughts in their minds. #TS850

Sonya Kassam @SonyaKassam
an uncrossed partition
an unrealised connection
uncaged, if only, from the friendship zone

temporal @temporal3
hey omer
get over
don't wait
fly emirate
if you're late
for that date
you'll grate
it'll be over
you'll be a loser

Omer @omerwahaj
The man down under,
Made a bigly blunder.
He hung up the phone,
Then got off of his throne,
Or was it the other way around I wonder?

temporal @temporal3
#TS850 prompts
mate, gate, relate
pls. RT to usual suspects
posted by temporal at 2/13/2017
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