#TS839 from @wolfmiaow: father figure, whispers, faith.

temporal @temporal3
in the confessional
he whispered
killing the pope
his terrier

SM @SanaMullick
He can hear her cry in the distance but can't reach her; she wears an invisible cloak. He has faith that she'll show herself soon. #TS839

Alex H Swift @lahorigori
#TS839 'god doesn't exist,' scoffs my catholic-born mother, then looks to the sky for lightning

Omer @omerwahaj
"Freedom!" shouted Papa, the rolling stone. "I've finally set my monkey free!"

YHK @Fazoolinsaan
"Come to me,child", the man hissed leering at him
The little boy pulled out his old trusted revolver and shot the man at pointblank.

Mahwash Ajaz @mahwashajaz_
"Santa's real. Just like world peace."
"Grow up, little boy. The only thing real is the monster under your bed."

Chachi Chatters @ChachiChatters
Lord, teach us to save
and live a frugal life
and all tomorrows
Except Boxing Day.
The sales are dope
and that shat is lit!

Muniba Kamal @MunibaKamal
"I will be your preacher teacher. I know all the games you play. To the heart and mind, ignorance is kind."

Godfather IV @godfatheriv
#TS839 Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father or their dog just died . youtu.be/Lin-a2lTelg
Firuza Pastakia @firuzap
Prompts for #TS839 from @wolfmiaow: father figure, whispers, faith. Pls RT.
in reply to Alex H Swift

WolfMomma @wolfmiaow
@lahorigori @omerwahaj @OhhhSheep @firuzap @deeslake @temporal3
posted by temporal at 12/31/2016
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