#TS797 prompts by @omerwahaj: twitter, story, prompt.
#TS797 @temporal3
in reply to Firuza Pastakia
Malaaqsaab @nom_malik
Alex H Swift @lahorigori
#TS797 'blackbird singing in the dead of night
take these broken wings & learn to fly
all your life,
you were only waiting for this moment'
Chachi Chatters @ChachiChatters
Hearing the nightingale chirping sadly
A firefly landed by promptly
I'm at your service,he said
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi,he said
Muniba Kamal @MunibaKamal
They egged each other on towards the untold stories.
5igh. @5aad
Twiddling thumbs meet screen. Spin tales in 140 characters. #TS797
Taimoor Malik @TaimoorMalik
TS 797. #TS797
Omer @omerwahaj
"I'll need a setting, plot, and at most 140 characters," I typed on my phone, keeping the meta nature of the cues in mind.
temporal @temporal3
wife to friend: i've to do all the chores, go to work, ready the children, help with homework &all he does is tweet all day long
temporal @temporal3
these daily prompts are an ingenious way to bypass langley.
if only they knew
Say Pickled Hawthorn @misdivided
Darling, don't. You have no sense of Twitter. Or prompts. Or of the stories I tell. So let me be. In my world. Dark, unknown, surreal.#TS797
temporal @temporal3
ty @omerwahaj
#TS797 prompts:
Twitter, story, prompt.
Tagging @5aad for #TS798
prev #TS here:
invite friends
Say Pickled Hawthorn @misdivided
A short tossed tale about a tail that would follow to the end of climbing up the trunk only to fall down to oblivion that never was. #ts797
in reply to Firuza Pastakia
farid alvie @faridalvie
@firuzap @omerwahaj "Show me a fatwa that says social media is halal and only then will I RT this Twitter story prompt!" --- Mulla Do Piazza to @firuzap. #TS797
View conversation
Firuza Pastakia @firuzap
If only he would put down his phone, she thought, all their troubles would be over. So she sent him a DM: 'I am unfollowing you.' #TS797
Firuza Pastakia @firuzap
Prompts for #TS797 from @omerwahaj: Twitter, story, prompt. Pls RT.
Alex H Swift @lahorigori
#TS797 the quick brown bird quips quests (5x fast)
Alex H Swift @lahorigori
#TS797 their's was a love destined to drown in the eternal search for the right words
त्रीस्त्राम् @TristramPerry
- The leads are weak.
- The leads are weak? You're weak.
- Hey. Both of you. Move this argument over to Facebook, OK?
in reply to deë
WolfMomma @wolfmiaow
@deeslake @omerwahaj @5aad @faridalvie @fiendfyreIV @temporal3 #TS797 Patches of truths masked as fiction, weaved into a tapestry that covered continents. The story was old as time, only its tellers new.
deë @deeslake
#TS797 prompts by @omerwahaj:
Twitter, story, prompt.
Tagging @5aad for #TS798
@faridalvie @fiendfyreIV @temporal3 @wolfmiaow
posted by temporal at 11/02/2016
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