- #TS685 smoking his last ciggy,he sighed his last puff under a mushroom before turning into a butterfly. #MetamorphosisSucks @temporal3
- #TS685 As I awoke in my purple haze, I noticed I had six pairs of legs and a fully flexible torso. Yeah baby!!!
- @nishakhot #TS685
http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://inkarttattoos.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/caterpillar-mushroom-tattoo.jpg&imgrefurl=http://inkarttattoos.com/tattoo-blog/25-mad-alice-in-wonderland-tattoos/&h=508&w=600&sz=65&tbnid=ioRkL-UP0pPYNM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=106&zoom=1&usg=__bvv9hGifvLy9_qljKdbXWsmJGPY=&docid=8AcAw6iT0zSKYM&sa=X&ei=ziVvUozTHtLE2QX80IC4CA&ved=0CEUQ9QEwBQ … @sharmeenalikhan @lahorigori @monazzilla @yadathoughts
- @nishakhot #TS685 cloudless full moon night under the peepul tree a charpoy, sheesha and you but thanks, not that mushroom flavour pleaseRetweeted by Nisha Khot
- thanks @nishakhot: #TS685 Hookah, Mushroom, Caterpillar Tagging @yadathoughts for #TS686 @Delirium19 @godfatheriv @Ell_Enn @omarali50
- @temporal3 @sharmeenalikhan @lahorigori @monazzilla #TS685 Hookah, Mushroom, Caterpillar Tagging @yadathoughts for #TS686
posted by temporal at 10/29/2013
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