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Monday, October 07, 2013


  1. If one winter afternoon, before the shadows start descending, if one winter afternoon you could come for me and cook.
  2. Fudgel loved her but because of her burqa all he could see were here Nikes
  3. it was a very important meeting/the final decision was taken/green shoes over all others.
  4. : : fudge all you want you fodgel you can't be fugel wear green shoes and hope to win in cricket
  5. Prompts for : fudgel, romance & green shoes Tagging for
  6. She'd seduce them with her baking & end it with, "But you can't fall in love; I'm not real." Enid Blyton boys - the easiest to trap.
  7. Coup in Santas cave. Pixies taken over. Watch out - no more fudgelling. They'll turn you into chocolate boxes.
  8. Prompts for from : fudgel, romance, green shoes. Pls RT.


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