The lost script, Lothal - the southern most escavations of the Indus Valley C.,
The lost script - It’s a writing system called Ajami, it’s a thousand years old, and a Boston University professor thinks it could help unlock the story of a continent
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What an amazing response to ‘Looking Back to Look Forward – Celebrating the 1953 Student Movement’. We didn’t think we’d be able to fill the 1000-seater hall, everyone said “be happy if 500 people turn up”. The hall was FULL, thanks to the energy and enthusiasm of the volunteers and participants and youngsters from Sindh Awami Sangat (huge team of volunteers and a crowded bus-load of participants), Szabist University, Ziauddin Medical College, PECHS Girls’ School (thanks to Seema Malik, 150 students who formed the heart of the audience and kept up the tempo with their youthful energy), and other groups. Beena
The Indus Valley period site of Lothal, in present-day Gujarat, has a large structure that has been identified as a constant-water-level dock. This represents an advanced engineering feat. There is a great deal of evidence that the Indus Valley cities traded extensively with other civilisations of that period. Mesopotamian records mention trade with Indus cities, and objects from the Indus region have been found in West Asian cities. -
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