Best Video Games For Gamers, Pamela Constable, Naomi Klein, Amy Goodwin, Michael Moore, Occupied Palestine,

Naomi Klein: Why Rich Countries Should Pay Reparations To Poor Countries For The Climate Crisis By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!
A grassroots movement says that the countries that created the climate crisis should pay for the costs of adapting to a more hostile ecology. |
Taliban leader Mullah Omar has rejected any notion of peace talks, Pakistan's army chief has spelled out a vision for an Islamic state, and embattled President Asif Ali Zardari has relinquished control of the nuclear arsenal. Taken together, these developments are a major setback for the designs of the United States in the region. - Syed Saleem Shahzad |
INTERVIEW : Slumdog author does Q and A - Indian diplomat Vikas Swarup wrote Q and A, the novel that became the Oscar-winning global sensation Slumdog Millionaire. Asia Times Online's own moonlighting novelist caught up with Swarup at the Ubud Writers Festival. - Muhammad Cohen
Herat enjoys a gold rush - Afghanistan is increasingly recognized as rich in mineral resources, which lie largely untapped due to dismal security and the absence of a strong government. That leaves the door open for intrepid individuals with an eye for what they hope is gold and the willingness to wield basic mining tools. - Mohammad Ishaq Quraishi
I like this game dragon edge it has very nice graphics and action scene I liked this one.This game has amazing action scene it has very nice game flow.
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