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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Chinese troops offer an Afghan solution, Ahmed Quraishi,"highly trained professionals", Doubting Afghanistan, Towards the next peak

Thanks due FK for the folowing links ~ t

Ideally, Pakistan and India should find a solution to the Kashmir problem. This would start a circle of bilateral trust which would lead to the militants being stopped. But no solution has been found for Kashmir in over 60 years, so we can hardly hope for a resolution now. Less ideally but more practically, China could send troops to Afghanistan and open a comprehensive regional dialogue on Afghanistan, involving also the Russians and the Iranians - besides the Americans, Pakistanis and Afghans. The value of Chinese troops on the ground could be political. In the past 60 years, China has been an unflinching Pakistani ally, and its presence on the ground could be a pledge to keep Afghanistan in "Pakistani hands". On the other hand, India should agree to leave Afghanistan to Pakistan, in return for a Pakistani back-down over Kashmir. This latter agreement would be very difficult, but it could be helped by the Indians agreeing to Chinese troops in Afghanistan. Chinese troops offer an Afghan solutionBy Francesco Sisci

The first thing Pakistanis need to know is that Pakistan was destined to happen. Mr Jinnah made it happen through his sheer brilliance because he was there. But Pakistan was going to happen anyway, in some shape or form and at an opportune time, because of the force of history. Ahmed Quraishi FK's comments on this: this is unbelieable! the ...writer is a raving lunatic forthing at mouth .......sadly he represents the majority of the pakis who have a hard time now figuring out jinnah as their favorite jinnah myths for the last 62 years stand ruined by jaswant singh's book....jinnah will have a re-birth in india and he will be better understood in india than in pakistan

What does seem clear is that Mr Sharif would like to have the general's head on a plate in the centre of his dining table, but to get to that position he is going to have to carry parliament with him, and his chances of doing that seem remote in the extreme. Sri-Paayay anyone?

New details about the treatment of terror suspects in the wake of 9/11 contradict old assurances from former Vice President Dick Cheney that interrogators were "highly trained professionals" who well knew the boundaries of the law. Often, they had received barely two weeks' training and sometimes made up the rules as they went along. The haphazard nature of the CIA's handling of the detainees, especially in the early years of the "war on terror", becomes clear in the internal CIA report released by the US Justice Department. Its publication on Monday coincided with the appointment of a special prosecutor by the Attorney General, Eric Holder. "highly trained professionals"

Mr Netanyahu has said he is prepared to accept a Palestinian state as long as it is not militarised and does not control its airspace. Colonialism is not extinct

In the meantime, this diplomatic row between the two countries seems to be reminding everyone of the fight over the caricatures of Muhammad published four years ago in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. Muslims interpreted these caricatures as being insulting to the Prophet Muhammad and as an affront to Muslims worldwide. Various Arab and Islamic governments officially distanced themselves from Copenhagen. And in their capital cities, tens of thousands took to the streets in violent demonstrations against Denmark, burning Danish flags and attacking the country's embassies. Israeli Politicians Attack Sweden over Tabloid Report

A compelling case for continued U.S. involvement in Afghanistan can be made, but only by answering these 10 questions. Doubting Afghanistan

That is hard to pull off in practice, because it is very difficult to forecast inflation many years out and virtually impossible to predict whether a bubble will burst soon on its own (in which case the central bank should be lowering rates, not raising them). Still, in at least one respect it may be easier than before for central bankers to exploit whatever flexibility there is in their legal inflation targeting regimes. In the past, it was not easy to explain why people should endure the higher near-term unemployment involved in running policy tighter to curb a credit-fuelled boom. But in the aftermath of the crisis, the cost of not curtailing financial imbalances – even in a world of moderate inflation – is plain for all to see, even if how best to curb them remains rather more blurry a reality than the view of the stars through a high-powered telescope against the dark Wyoming sky. Towards the next peak By Krishna Guha in Washington


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