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Saturday, May 09, 2009

Obama to Speak from Egypt in Address to Muslim World

Wrong choice perhaps for Obama. Egypt is bankrolled by the US for decades. It is the largest recipient of US aid, after Israel. It has "emergency" imposed for over three decades. I thought he would have selected a country not as widely perceived to be a US stooge to speak out to the Muslims. ~~~t

The White House finally revealed on Friday the country from which President Obama will make his much anticipated speech to the Muslim world: Egypt.

Though White House officials would not say exactly where in Egypt the speech would be given, the White House spokesman, Robert Gibbs, said on Friday that Mr. Obama would deliver the speech there on June 4, two days before he goes to Normandy, France, for events commemorating the 65th anniversary of D-Day.

“I think having spent part of his childhood in Indonesia, I think all of this gives the president the opportunity, hopefully, to extend a hand to those that, in many ways, are like us but just simply have a different religion,” Mr. Gibbs said. Mr. Obama promised during the campaign that he would make a speech from a Muslim capital in the first 100 days in office, so the speech would fall slightly outside that time frame. However, White House officials would not confirm on Friday that the speech would be in Cairo.


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