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Friday, May 15, 2009

Obama to restart Guantanamo trials

The White House is set to announce that it will restart military tribunals for al-Qaeda suspects held at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp, US officials have said.

New legal safeguards would be introduced to the system, including a ban on hearsay evidence and evidence obtained by using torture practices, such as waterboarding, the officials said.

The decision to restart the process means trials would have to finish before the Guantanamo facility is closed in January 2010, or the detainees would need to be transferred to the US mainland, where they would have more legal rights.


Anonymous What Is Cash Gifting said...

2 shockers in about as many days. First the refusal to release the terror photos and now this.

Extreme individuals need to be brought to justice by any means necessary. The freedom which is afforded to all law-abiding citizens is a product of doing what might not be popular but what is right for the U.S. and its interests. If the ACLU attorneys always had their way we would live in anarchy. A nation of people with their own individually-decreed laws.

Congrats Mr. President. You went 2 for 2 this week :)


May 16, 2009 10:16 AM  

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