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Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Anjum Niaz on the ambassador US never had to explain its policies in Islamabad

When it rains it pours. Poor Amb. Haqqani has been having it from all ends these days. ~~t

Don't forget Petraeus is a commander who, unlike the civilians, maps out a well-considered strategy, a tactical roadmap, if you please, before opening his mouth. But our ambassador in Washington, Husain Haqqani, who has taken up additional duties of being the official spokesman for the American government, has watered down Obama and Petraeus's remarks. Question: is it the job of our ambassador to call up the Americans and seek clarification each time they make a negative comment on Pakistan? It undermines the dignity of his ambassadorial office, but that's another matter.

An English language daily (not this one) quotes diplomatic observers in Washington saying that Pakistan ambassador's "favourite sport is rubbishing the Pakistani media." In today's world of back-slapping folksiness, Haqqani is said to be buddies with Holbrooke while Gen Kayani is said to be chums with Admiral Mullen. With friends like Holbrooke and Mullen, you don't need enemies!


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