Comments: On Peril By Humayun Gauhar
Humayun Gohar is mostly spot on. Not today. In his letter to his son Ali, educating about "about the US and NATO attack on us" he went over board with oversimplifications.
Check this:
* is also entirely possible that Pakistan will retaliate. Then America may escalate from helicopter gunships to F-16s or even stealth bombers. I hope this doesn't happen, for it spells near total destruction for us...
We have a porous Duran Line. The Pushtoon tribes freely move between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Using this the Pakistani Talibans seasonally and freely venture from Pakistan and Afghanistan - attacking, withdrawing, regrouping, attacking again. If this is checked then the Nato forces can deal with one less irritant.
The other key point that Humayun did not mention in his "letter" is the strategic desire of the neoconzix in the Bush administration to check and dismantle the "Islamic" bomb.
*...They know that Pakistan will make Iraq look like a picnic and Afghanistan like a massage parlour.
This is an outlandish and incredible statement. The "brave" and highly "trained" Faujis are unable to control the highly motivated Pakistani Talebans.
However misguided the Talebans are, and like the majority of Pakistanis I abhor and disagree with their suicide bombings and consider them unislamic and inhuman way to push their agenda, I would say this also: the Talebans have proved to be better motivated and disciplined then the apparently rusted Faujis.
The 160 or 170 million "Pakistanis" are too polarized and fragmented to put up a "united" from against the US incursion or occupation.
*...General Kiyani's statement was the voice of the people, just what they wanted to hear. (the rest of this paragraph is poetic conjecture that might boost the ego of a teenager but does not stand up to serious evaluation).
"Voice of people"? Isn't that what the Parliament is ( or should be)?
Gen. Kayani spoke up only because the FM, PM and the President were dumb struck. Merely echoing Kayani's stand is not "reflecting" the will of the people. There is vacuum at the top in Pakistan. The "democratic" leadershiphas proved to be rudderless, gutless and soul-less
I have said this sincerely. I hope Mr. Humayun would not mind this.

Check this:
* is also entirely possible that Pakistan will retaliate. Then America may escalate from helicopter gunships to F-16s or even stealth bombers. I hope this doesn't happen, for it spells near total destruction for us...
We have a porous Duran Line. The Pushtoon tribes freely move between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Using this the Pakistani Talibans seasonally and freely venture from Pakistan and Afghanistan - attacking, withdrawing, regrouping, attacking again. If this is checked then the Nato forces can deal with one less irritant.
The other key point that Humayun did not mention in his "letter" is the strategic desire of the neoconzix in the Bush administration to check and dismantle the "Islamic" bomb.
*...They know that Pakistan will make Iraq look like a picnic and Afghanistan like a massage parlour.
This is an outlandish and incredible statement. The "brave" and highly "trained" Faujis are unable to control the highly motivated Pakistani Talebans.
However misguided the Talebans are, and like the majority of Pakistanis I abhor and disagree with their suicide bombings and consider them unislamic and inhuman way to push their agenda, I would say this also: the Talebans have proved to be better motivated and disciplined then the apparently rusted Faujis.
The 160 or 170 million "Pakistanis" are too polarized and fragmented to put up a "united" from against the US incursion or occupation.
*...General Kiyani's statement was the voice of the people, just what they wanted to hear. (the rest of this paragraph is poetic conjecture that might boost the ego of a teenager but does not stand up to serious evaluation).
"Voice of people"? Isn't that what the Parliament is ( or should be)?
Gen. Kayani spoke up only because the FM, PM and the President were dumb struck. Merely echoing Kayani's stand is not "reflecting" the will of the people. There is vacuum at the top in Pakistan. The "democratic" leadershiphas proved to be rudderless, gutless and soul-less
I have said this sincerely. I hope Mr. Humayun would not mind this.

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