K2- Aloof, Alone, August
in the north of Pakistan -AFP
Framed in the centre against an azure backdrop with snow capped peak magnificently majestic, mighty, aloof, alone, august, imposing, impressive, imperial, stunning, stately sublime, stood K2.
MaBi grew up in the Thar desert to the south. She was mesmerised by that picture of the K2 won by her grandfather in a mela.
She got married, moved to a distant city, had children, got widowed, moved back, learned to survive, battling life - winning some, losing some. She began talking to K2.
you, nor i are virgins
you stand impervious
facing cosmos
you think you're potent
but in reality
you're insensitive
and inflexible
time has taught
am better
am flexible
i can move
and i can be moved
you are frozen
still and doomed
to live in pictures
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