Baithak World Jul 01:InshaAllah, The World Acc. to Newspapers, Ways to Beat Depression, Intellectuals Silence, News & Views, Brodner, Szep, RealNews
The cartograms below show the world through the eyes of editors-in-chief, in 2007. Countries swell as they receive more media attention; others shrink as we forget them. The world according to newspapers [thanks AA]
My therapist helped me to build a personalized "toolbox": a list of a dozen depression busters to direct me toward mental health, and an emergency lifeline in case I get lost along the way. I consult these 12 techniques when I panic, when I get pulled into addictive behaviors, and as armor in my ongoing war against negative thoughts. Here they are: twelve strategies to take us all to the promised land of recovery from depression.12 Ways To Beat Depression
News & Views
Huffpollstrology: Candidates' Horoscopes, Polls And More For July 1
NYTimes report on infighting over Al Qaeda garners outrage from FOX and Friends
The Paradoxes of Latin American Development
Subprime 1-2-3
Muslim Integration: Most Imams in Germany Lack Academic Qualifications
Fiction: Thirteen Hundred Rats By T. Coraghessan Boyle
The Island in the Wind By Elizabeth Kolbert & Powering Up

Wall-e Chaplin. This weekend I caught Wall-e. Aside from the clear achievements in animation (or whatever you call this now), it's a powerful piece of social satire—I think, a fitting bookend to Modern Times. In that film, 72 years ago, Charlie Chaplin warned of a world in which machines will crush humanity. In Wall-e, the job is accomplished. Humans, who have turned the earth into a huge toilet, have turned themselves into flaccid non-entities. And the one vestige of humanity survives miraculously inside...a machine. Pixar and Andrew Stanton deserve all the kudos they will get for this Bush-era-perfect film. Brodner's Cartoon du Jour: Wall-e Chaplin
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