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Saturday, March 01, 2008

A Liberal Goes Undercover to Brave America's Premiere Right-Wing Gathering

Here is a very interesting perspective of a reporter (blogger) who went underground at a conservative meet. If this sort of reporting interests you please read on - t

A Liberal Goes Undercover to Brave America's Premiere Right-Wing Gathering

By Mister Leonard Pierce, AlterNet. Posted March 1, 2008.

So I decided to go to the 2008 Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC -- America's foremost gathering of the extreme right wing of the Republican Party. Why did I do it? For years, I'd been writing snotty articles about the reactionary right as a contributor to the blog Sadly, No! but aside from family reunions, I never spent much time with them. So, with a hotly contested presidential election in the offing and rumors of the retreat of modern neoconservativism being whispered in the corridors of punditry, I decided there was no better time than the present to worm my way into the midst of the right wing's true believers. Using the generous donations of Sadly, No! readers and other well-wishers, and posing as a lobbyist for the American Milk Solids Council, I made my way to Washington in early February and sat through every moment of CPAC 2008. Herewith, a highly abridged version of my copious notes from the belly of the beast.


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